We support research on Euskara and Basque culture through Basque studies chairs created at leading universities around the world.

Euskara. Kultura. Mundura.
To bolster the international presence and visibility of Euskara and Basque studies, the Etxepare Basque Institute promotes Basque study chairs at renowned international universities. The Basque language and culture chairs encourage specialized education (mainly at the postgraduate level) and academic research in Basque studies. The chairs are organized through placements for specialized teachers, artists or creators at the partner universities.
Bernardo Atxaga Chair
CUNY (New York , USA)
The main objective of this Chair is to promote research and studies in the area of Basque language and literature. The writer Bernardo Atxaga inaugurated the programme himself in 2011 at the City University of New York Graduate Center. The Bernardo Atxaga Chair offers Ph.D. studies on Basque culture, which is taught every year by a number of guest lecturers.
Koldo Mitxelena Chair
University of Chicago (Chicago, USA)
Created in 2012, this Chair seeks to expand Basque studies to North America. Part of the Department of Humanities of the University of Chicago, every year the Chair hosts a leading professor to give classes, seminars and talks on Basque humanistic studies for a four-month period.
Eduardo Chillida Chair
Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universität (Frankfurt, Germany)
In operation since 2012, this Chair aims to promote specialized study and research into Basque art of the 20th and 21st centuries in the international context.
The Chair is based at the Goethe University´s Institute of Art History in Frankfurt and the classes are part of the Curatorial Studies run by the Institute. The Frankfurt Art Library also houses a special section dedicated to the artist´s complete bibliography, providing a key resource for researchers. Each year, the Chair invites a leading researcher to teach two subjects, in addition to a seminar or series of talks.
Manuel Irujo Chair
The University of Liverpool (Liverpool, UK)
The Manuel Irujo Chair was launched in the 2014-2015 academic year and runs annually. The main topic of research is Basque exile. The Chair is part of the University of Liverpool´s Department of Cultures, Languages and Area Studies.
Jon Bilbao Chair
The University of Nevada-Reno (Reno, USA)
Created in 2014, the purpose of this Chair is to promote international research and knowledge about the Basque diaspora and culture. The Chair has created the Jon Bilbao Visiting Research Fellow, a research grant awarded to a visiting professor, renewable yearly or every other year. The fellow is based at the Center for Basque Studies, the leading research and educational institute on the Basque diaspora in the USA. One of its missions is to conduct Basque research and disseminate the results internationally.
- 2024 academic programme
- 2023 academic programme
- 2022 academic programme
- 2021 academic programme
- 2020 academic programme
- 2019 academic programme (Annual report 2019, page 104)
Eloise Garmendia Chair
Boise State University (Boise, USA)
Inaugurated in 2015, the Eloise Garmendia Bieter Chair promotes studies and research in the area of Basque language and culture. This Chair is named after the mother of David H. Bieter – mayor of Boise until 2020 and the only Basque-speaking mayor outside the Basque Country – for her prominent role in the community and commitment to Basque culture.
William A. Douglass Chair
University of Massachusetts Amherst (Amherst, USA)
The Chair was inaugurated in 2016 for the purpose of promoting Basque anthropology. Within the framework of the Chair, two seminars and lectures are held every year related to Basque anthropology and culture.
- 2023 academic programme
- 2022 academic programme
- 2021 academic programme
- 2020 academic programme (conducted in May 2021)
- 2019 academic programme
- 2018 academic programme
- It was not carried out in 2017
Jean Haritschelhar Chair
Université Bordeaux Montaigne (Bordeaux, France)
Created in 2016, this Chair seeks to expand the areas of Basque studies researched by Jean Haritschelhar, primarily literature and linguistics, in addition to Iberian studies. Special focus is on international and cross-border relations, which were deeply ingrained in the spirit of Haritschelhar.
- 2023 academic programme (1) and (2)
- 2022 academic programme
- 2021 academic programme
- 2020 academic programme
- 2019 academic programme
- 2018 academic programme
- 2017 academic programme
Amale Artetxe Chair
CONICET (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Honouring Amale Artetxe´s contribution to the Basque diaspora in Argentina, this Chair analyses Basque culture from the perspective of the humanities, with an emphasis on equality. Every year a guest lecturer teaches a PhD course and delivers several lectures.
Elbira Zipitria Chair
McGill University (Montreal, Canada)
Linking Basque studies to cultural innovation, the Faculty of Arts and the Faculty of Engineering at McGill University have been working with the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research on Montreal (CIRM) since 2022 to promote the Basque language in education and society, placing innovative cultural movements at the centre.
Frank Bidart Chair
California State University Bakersfield (Bakersfield, USA)
The Frank Bidart Chair was created in 2022 at the Institute of Basque Studies at California State University Bakersfield (CSUB) to promote research projects related to culture and art or to further the development of creative projects. The selected expert or creator will carry out a one-month placement for his or her research or creative project.
Alan R. King Chair
University of Wales Trinity Saint David (Aberystwith, United Kingdom)
Through the chair launched in 2022, Basque studies will be promoted in the postgraduate programmes at the University of Wales and in the research forums at the Centre for Advanced Welsh and Celtic Studies (CAWCS), by means of conferences and seminars. Each year, a visiting professor or researcher will undertake a six-week placement to conduct a research seminar and give an open lecture.