Manuel Irujo Chair: David Río
Euskara. Kultura. Mundura.

11Mar 2024
As part of the Manuel Irujo Chair promoted by the Etxepare Basque Institute at the University of Liverpool, David Río, Professor of American Literature at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), will give the lecture ‘Robert Laxalt and the Basque Exile: An American Perspective’ on 11 March.
The aim of the present lecture is to explore Robert Laxalt’s connection with the Basque exile in the United States. Basque politics does not play a prominent role in Robert Laxalt’s work, but there are some relevant references to Basque political issues in some of his books. Besides, it is worth examining Laxalt’s connection with several Basque exiles, in particular, with Jon Bilbao. In fact, Laxalt’s collaboration with these exiles became a key factor in the promotion of Basque culture in the United States, as exemplified by the creation of the Basque Studies Program at the University of Nevada, Reno, in 1967.
- Monday 11th March / 4pm / Seminar Room 11, Rendall Building + Online
Register for tickets here.
This is a hybrid event - a Zoom link will be sent out to all those registered prior to the event.
The Manuel Irujo Chair was launched by the Etxepare Basque Institute and the University of Liverpool in the 2014-2015 academic year and runs annually. The main topic of research is Basque exile. The Chair is part of the University of Liverpool´s Department of Cultures, Languages and Area Studies.