Goethe Universität Frankfurt: Eduardo Chillida visiting professorship 2021
Euskara. Kultura. Mundura.

05Feb 2021
As part of the Chillida Visiting Professorship at the Institute of Art History, Johann Wolfgang Goethe University of Frankfurt (Germany) will be hosting the ´Select. Conceptions of Active Archives´ study day on the 5th of February, after being postponed in 2020. Participants will look at the different models of collecting and contextualization of material. Based on the different concepts, selected materials will be examined more closely in their contexts. The focus will be on questions of how archives actively promote forms of identity or if identify is produces through objects, practices and methods.
Participaing in the program are Stefanie Heraeus from the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University of Frankfurt; Marianne Wagner from the LWL Museum for Art and Culture; Annie Lindberg from the Museum of Artistic Process and Public Art of Skissernas; Nadine Hahn from the Modern Art Museum MMK and Antje Krause-Wahl from the Johannes Gutenberg University; Rembert Hüser from Johann Wolfgang Goethe University of Frankfurt; and Garazi Ansa from the University of the Basque Country.
The Basque art critic will direct the workshop ´Archival Exhibitions through the Body. A Basque Genealogy and a Matrixial Proposition´. The event will take place from 10:00 to 16:30, with Ansa scheduled for 13:00. The event is open to anyone interested through Zoom. All sessions will be in Gnglish and German.
The Eduardo Chillida Chair aims to promote specialised study and research in Basque art, and annually invites an expert to give classes in different topics.
Garazi Ansa holds a PhD in Art History (2020). Her main lines of research are the power of the curator and exhibitions. She also studies art history writing from from a gender perspective, and gives lectures on these subjects.
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