University of Liverpool-Manuel Irujo Chair: Itxaro Borda
Euskara. Kultura. Mundura.

24Mar 202526Mar 2025
As part of the Manuel Irujo Chair promoted by the Etxepare Basque Institute at the University of Liverpool, the writer Itxaro Borda will offer a conference on ´Internal Exile and Literary Creation´ on the 26th of March.
The writer Itxaro Borda will talk about internal exile, that uncomfortable space that is usually created when the socio-political situation of our environment deteriorates. Sometimes one can live in exile in one´s own country, using one´s own language, for example, under diglossic conditions. This self-absorption is often frowned upon, but it can also be a place of support for the idea of leaving for the other, and the Basque writer will talk about examples from literature, theatre or poetry.
- 26 March, 4pm, Walbank Lecture Theatre, 8-14 Abercromby Square, Liverpool and online.
Register for tickets here.
The Manuel Irujo Chair was launched by the Etxepare Basque Institute and the University of Liverpool in the 2014-2015 academic year and runs annually. The main topic of research is Basque exile. The Chair is part of the University of Liverpool´s Department of Cultures, Languages and Area Studies.