"Zinemaldia.cat", the Basque Film Festival in Barcelona


Euskara. Kultura. Mundura.

The Barcelona Basque Cinema Film Festival,  Zinemaldia.cat, supported among other organizations by the Etxepare Institute , will be held February 13-22.  The festival will give a relevant leap formward this year, since it is jumpng to the big screen of Cinemes Girona. They have also created a new award, the Urrezko Txapela, that will be chosen by a jury composed by big names of the Catalonian cinema.

The Barcelona Basque Cinema Film Festival,  Zinemaldia.cat, supported among other organizations by the Etxepare Institute , will be held February 13-22.  The festival will give a relevant leap formward this year, since it is jumpng to the big screen of Cinemes Girona. They have also created a new award, the Urrezko Txapela, that will be chosen by a jury composed by big names of the Catalonian cinema.


Image: Igotz Ziarreta

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