You can now download the French version of the book "Basque classic music"


Euskara. Kultura. Mundura.

Thanks to the collaboration of the Basque Cultural Institute (Euskal Kultur Erakundea - EKE) and the Etxepare Basque Institute, you can now download the online version in three languages (Basque, French and English) of the book "Euskal Musika klasikoa". Written by Professor of the University of the Basque Country Karlos Sanchez Ekiza, this book offers an overview through the history of Basque classical music. The book has been translated into French by Kattalin Totorika. Other titles in the "Euskal Kultura Saila" collection can be downloaded online.

Including this one,  there are five books of the "Euskal Kultura Saila" collection translated into French. In 2013 three titles were translated and published online and a fourth one in 2014: Euskal dantza, by Oier Araolaza; Euskal Kantagintza, b Jon Eskisabel; Euskal zinema, by Joxean Fernández and XX. mendeko euskal literatura by Estibalitz Ezkerra.

The aim of the "Basque Culture" collection is to provide updated, attractive and rigorous information on the Basque creation. It is designed to be easily accessible to those wishing to know more about the Basque culture. It is composed of twelve books on different topics, such as Basque language, music, dance, literature, cinema and bertsolaritza (Basque improvised singing), among others.

To download "Euskal Musika klasikoa" go here.

Other books in the collection “Euskal Kultura Saila” can be downloaded here.

Thanks to the collaboration of the Basque Cultural Institute (Euskal Kultur Erakundea - EKE) and the Etxepare Basque Institute, you can now download the online version in three languages (Basque, French and English) of the book "Euskal Musika klasikoa". Written by Professor of the University of the Basque Country Karlos Sanchez Ekiza, this book offers an overview through the history of Basque classical music. The book has been translated into French by Kattalin Totorika. Other titles in the "Euskal Kultura Saila" collection can be downloaded online.

Including this one,  there are five books of the "Euskal Kultura Saila" collection translated into French. In 2013 three titles were translated and published online and a fourth one in 2014: Euskal dantza, by Oier Araolaza; Euskal Kantagintza, b Jon Eskisabel; Euskal zinema, by Joxean Fernández and XX. mendeko euskal literatura by Estibalitz Ezkerra.

The aim of the "Basque Culture" collection is to provide updated, attractive and rigorous information on the Basque creation. It is designed to be easily accessible to those wishing to know more about the Basque culture. It is composed of twelve books on different topics, such as Basque language, music, dance, literature, cinema and bertsolaritza (Basque improvised singing), among others.

To download "Euskal Musika klasikoa" go here.

Other books in the collection “Euskal Kultura Saila” can be downloaded here.

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