Workshops on Cultural and Creative Industries in Brussels


Euskara. Kultura. Mundura.

The main objective of Creadis 3 – Smart Creative Districts is to align public policy agendas to promote the development of more efficient CCI policies in territories aiming to generate innovation and economic development. The Basque Country leads this project in partnership with Solvakia, Central Finland, Emilia-Romagna, Wallonia and Western Greece.

The main objective of Creadis 3 – Smart Creative Districts is to align public policy agendas to promote the development of more efficient CCI policies in territories aiming to generate innovation and economic development. The Basque Country leads this project in partnership with Solvakia, Central Finland, Emilia-Romagna, Wallonia and Western Greece.

The delegation of the Basque Country in Brussels is currently hosting several working sessions with its European partners to coordinate and develop the project. The participating regions will present the results of the mapping carried out in their territory and the good practices identified. They will also present a list of key actors identified for the development of CCIs.

Methodology, communication and other issues will be addressed. The sessions will also include a coordination meeting with the European Commission, which provides funding through the regional development fund.

The Basque delegation will also hold a meeting with the Flanders District of Creativity, an organisation that supports the promotion of creative industries in Flanders.

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