Vaiven Producciones, successful with "HappyEnd"
Euskara. Kultura. Mundura.
The company Vaiven Producciones from San Sebastian closed the year 2014 with several awards to one of their latest shows: the black comedy HappyEnd.
This new proposal was performed for two weeks at the famous hall Cuarta Pared of Madrid, where the plot received significant success both from audience and critics. After closing this season in Madrid, two days later, they offered the show at the "National Theatre Festival Garnacha de Rioja" held in Haro, where it was the most awarded show winning three awards: Best Actor for Xabi Donosti, Best Scenic Editing and the special mention of the jury for the best show.
The contest of Haro is a national reference, and celebrated this year its 17th edition gathering more than eighty companies across the state.
The work has received excellent reviews from various media. Here you are some of them:
“Una obra con una estructura de corte clásico pero que sorprende con valentía, atrevimiento y un afilado sentido del humor, tratando temas tan controvertidos como el derecho a una muerte digna, la familia, la honradez y la moral humana. Un canto a la vida y un homenaje a la elección de vivirla". Leticia Castelo - "La República Cultural"
"Happy End es un texto inteligente. ../... Ya sé que es un tópico pero no puedo evitar repetir que hay mucho talento desparramado que pocas veces tiene la oportunidad de mostrarse en Madrid". P.J.L. Domínguez - "Guía del ocio".
"Un diluvio de humor negro empapa un divertido texto. Un doble final permite elegir la opción que se prefiera para la conclusión de la historia". J.I. García Garzón - "Abc"
The company Vaiven Producciones from San Sebastian closed the year 2014 with several awards to one of their latest shows: the black comedy HappyEnd.
This new proposal was performed for two weeks at the famous hall Cuarta Pared of Madrid, where the plot received significant success both from audience and critics. After closing this season in Madrid, two days later, they offered the show at the "National Theatre Festival Garnacha de Rioja" held in Haro, where it was the most awarded show winning three awards: Best Actor for Xabi Donosti, Best Scenic Editing and the special mention of the jury for the best show.
The contest of Haro is a national reference, and celebrated this year its 17th edition gathering more than eighty companies across the state.
The work has received excellent reviews from various media. Here you are some of them:
“Una obra con una estructura de corte clásico pero que sorprende con valentía, atrevimiento y un afilado sentido del humor, tratando temas tan controvertidos como el derecho a una muerte digna, la familia, la honradez y la moral humana. Un canto a la vida y un homenaje a la elección de vivirla". Leticia Castelo - "La República Cultural"
"Happy End es un texto inteligente. ../... Ya sé que es un tópico pero no puedo evitar repetir que hay mucho talento desparramado que pocas veces tiene la oportunidad de mostrarse en Madrid". P.J.L. Domínguez - "Guía del ocio".
"Un diluvio de humor negro empapa un divertido texto. Un doble final permite elegir la opción que se prefiera para la conclusión de la historia". J.I. García Garzón - "Abc"