They have organized a Basque Film Festival in Motevideo


Euskara. Kultura. Mundura.

 The Film Festival Euskal Zinemaldia- Munduari euskarazko begirada bat has been organized in Montevideo (Uruguay) on November 10-16 by Aldaxka kultur biltzarra and Cinemateca Uruguaya, with the support of the Etxepare Basque Institute.

They have prepared a varied program of Basque films and documentaries. All the films have been recorded in Basque language, euskera. The following films will be screened: Aupa Etxebeste! (Telmo Esnal , Asier Altuna), Amaren eskuak  (Mireia Gabilondo), Ander (Roberto Castón), Baztan  (Iñaki Elizalde), Gartxot (Asisko Urmeneta , Juanjo Elordi), Kutsidazu bidea Ixabel (F. Bernues, M. Gabilondo), Urte berri on amona (Telmo Esnal) y Xora (Peio Cachenaut).

They have also included documentaries in the program: Amerikanuak  (Nacho Reig), Asier eta Biok (Aitor Merino, Amaia Merino), Barrura Begiratzeko Leihoak (Josu Martinez, Eneko Olasagasti, Mireia Gabilondo, Enara Goikoetxea, Txaber Larreategi),  Bertsolari (Asier Altuna), Nomadak TX (Raúl de la Fuente), Gazta zati bat (Jon Maia), Itsasoaren alaba (Josu Martinez), Zuloak  (Fermin Muguruza), Nun da Popo? (Audrey Hoc).

The main objective is to share Basque cinema and its glance with the audience of Montevideo. As the organizers say, this is a perfect space to compare point of views about the current situation of Basque cinema in a global contexts.

 The Film Festival Euskal Zinemaldia- Munduari euskarazko begirada bat has been organized in Montevideo (Uruguay) on November 10-16 by Aldaxka kultur biltzarra and Cinemateca Uruguaya, with the support of the Etxepare Basque Institute.

They have prepared a varied program of Basque films and documentaries. All the films have been recorded in Basque language, euskera. The following films will be screened: Aupa Etxebeste! (Telmo Esnal , Asier Altuna), Amaren eskuak  (Mireia Gabilondo), Ander (Roberto Castón), Baztan  (Iñaki Elizalde), Gartxot (Asisko Urmeneta , Juanjo Elordi), Kutsidazu bidea Ixabel (F. Bernues, M. Gabilondo), Urte berri on amona (Telmo Esnal) y Xora (Peio Cachenaut).

They have also included documentaries in the program: Amerikanuak  (Nacho Reig), Asier eta Biok (Aitor Merino, Amaia Merino), Barrura Begiratzeko Leihoak (Josu Martinez, Eneko Olasagasti, Mireia Gabilondo, Enara Goikoetxea, Txaber Larreategi),  Bertsolari (Asier Altuna), Nomadak TX (Raúl de la Fuente), Gazta zati bat (Jon Maia), Itsasoaren alaba (Josu Martinez), Zuloak  (Fermin Muguruza), Nun da Popo? (Audrey Hoc).

The main objective is to share Basque cinema and its glance with the audience of Montevideo. As the organizers say, this is a perfect space to compare point of views about the current situation of Basque cinema in a global contexts.

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