The show "Danbor Talka" will be premiered at the Lekeitio International Festival of Street Theatre
Euskara. Kultura. Mundura.
“Danbor Talka” (“Drum Crash”), the show created in collaboration between the Basque company Deabru Beltzak and the French Les Commandos Percu, will be premiered at the International Festival of Street Theatre in Lekeitio, which celebrates its 25th anniversary, in two shows, today and tomorrow midnight. Lekeitio and the festival Fest ´Arts of Libourne have produced this show that has been created through the mediation of the Etxepare Basque Institute. The Festival of Lekeitio will start today, July 11, and will run until Sunday; all kinds of street performers will take the city.
"Danbor Talka" was presented at the launch of this year´s program of the festival Fest´arts Libourne (France), that will be held in August and where they will also enjoy the new show that combines fire and percussion: 12 performers will bring together spectacular pyrotechnics, the sound of drums and the movement in a one hour long astonishing show.
Since 2011, The Etxepare Institute has worked together with the Libourne with the aim of launching the Basque street theatre abroad. The Fest’Arts is a reference for Europe in these terms, so has been the result of this collaboration: the French festival has become a relevant showcase for the Basque productions.
“Danbor Talka” (“Drum Crash”), the show created in collaboration between the Basque company Deabru Beltzak and the French Les Commandos Percu, will be premiered at the International Festival of Street Theatre in Lekeitio, which celebrates its 25th anniversary, in two shows, today and tomorrow midnight. Lekeitio and the festival Fest ´Arts of Libourne have produced this show that has been created through the mediation of the Etxepare Basque Institute. The Festival of Lekeitio will start today, July 11, and will run until Sunday; all kinds of street performers will take the city.
"Danbor Talka" was presented at the launch of this year´s program of the festival Fest´arts Libourne (France), that will be held in August and where they will also enjoy the new show that combines fire and percussion: 12 performers will bring together spectacular pyrotechnics, the sound of drums and the movement in a one hour long astonishing show.
Since 2011, The Etxepare Institute has worked together with the Libourne with the aim of launching the Basque street theatre abroad. The Fest’Arts is a reference for Europe in these terms, so has been the result of this collaboration: the French festival has become a relevant showcase for the Basque productions.