The San Sebastian Film Festival speaks in Euskera


Euskara. Kultura. Mundura.

The 62 International Film Festival of San Sebastian opens today, and this year the Basque cinema is standing strong. 11 Basque productions are taking part in the festival and 9 films will be screened in Basque language (euskera). 26 films will also be shown with Basque subtitles.

For the first time, a film shot entirely in Basque will participate in the Official Selection: Loreak by Jon Garaño and Jose Mari Goenaga. Lasa and Zabala, by Pablo Malo is also included in the Official Selection program but shall be screened out of the competition. As every year, the Zinemira section will gather 6 Basque films: Ateak Zabalduz (Juanmi Gutierrez), Five Days to Dance (Rafa Molés, Pepe Andreu), I am Haiti (Raúl De la Fuente), Lantanda (Gorka Gamarra), Notas en movimiento (Oskar Tejedor), and  Señales de la vida: Nestor Basterretxea (Gentzane Martínez de Osaba, Alexander García de Vicuña).

The Zinemira section will also include a selection of the 2014 Kimuak short films catalogue: Anómalo (Anomaloa), (Aitor Gutiérrez); Don Miguel (Kote Camacho); Hubert le Blonen azken hegaldia / the last flight of hubert le blon (Koldo Almandoz); Sailor’s Grave (Vuk Jevremovic, Carlos Santa, Cecilia Traslaviña, Juan Camilo González, José Belmonte, Isabel Herguera, Wang Liming, Cheng Kemei, Richard Reeves, Koldo Almandoz); A serious comedy (Lander Camarero); Soroa (Asier Altuna) y Zarautzen erosi zuen (Aitor Arregi).


The 62 International Film Festival of San Sebastian opens today, and this year the Basque cinema is standing strong. 11 Basque productions are taking part in the festival and 9 films will be screened in Basque language (euskera). 26 films will also be shown with Basque subtitles.

For the first time, a film shot entirely in Basque will participate in the Official Selection: Loreak by Jon Garaño and Jose Mari Goenaga. Lasa and Zabala, by Pablo Malo is also included in the Official Selection program but shall be screened out of the competition. As every year, the Zinemira section will gather 6 Basque films: Ateak Zabalduz (Juanmi Gutierrez), Five Days to Dance (Rafa Molés, Pepe Andreu), I am Haiti (Raúl De la Fuente), Lantanda (Gorka Gamarra), Notas en movimiento (Oskar Tejedor), and  Señales de la vida: Nestor Basterretxea (Gentzane Martínez de Osaba, Alexander García de Vicuña).

The Zinemira section will also include a selection of the 2014 Kimuak short films catalogue: Anómalo (Anomaloa), (Aitor Gutiérrez); Don Miguel (Kote Camacho); Hubert le Blonen azken hegaldia / the last flight of hubert le blon (Koldo Almandoz); Sailor’s Grave (Vuk Jevremovic, Carlos Santa, Cecilia Traslaviña, Juan Camilo González, José Belmonte, Isabel Herguera, Wang Liming, Cheng Kemei, Richard Reeves, Koldo Almandoz); A serious comedy (Lander Camarero); Soroa (Asier Altuna) y Zarautzen erosi zuen (Aitor Arregi).

Kimuak is a project of the Department of Culture of the Basque Government, together with the Etxepare Basque Institute and the Basque Film Archive “Euskadiko Filmategia” , which aims to disseminate the most relevant short films of the year. In addition, three of the shorts will also take part in the Zabaltegi section: Hubert le Blonen azken hegaldia, Soroa and Zarautzen erosi zuen.

These ones are the Basque productions that are taking part in the Zinemaldia:

  • Ateak zabalduz: Juanmi Gutiérrez (Zinemira).
  • Dixie eta matxinada zonbia: Ricardo Ramonek,  Beñat Beitiak  (Belodromo).
  • Una historia de Vasconia: Euskaldunización tardía / Vasconiako historia bat: Euskalduntze berantiarra: Josu Venerok, Alberto Santanak  (ETB gala).
  • Hubert Le Blonen azken hegaldia / The last flight of Hubert Le Blon: Koldo Almandoz (Zabaltegi and Kimuak).
  • Lasa eta Zabala / Lasa y Zabala: Pablo Malo (Official Section – Out of competition).
  • Loreak: Jon Garaño,  Jose Mari Goenagak (Official Section).
  • Nerua, Un viaje a la Esencia: Iván Miñambres Urquijo (Culinary Zinema).
  • Soroa: Asier Altuna  (Zabaltegi and Kimuak).
  • Los tontos y los estúpidos: Roberto Castón (New Directors).
  • Txipirones en su tinta (Txipiroiak bere tintan): Xabier Gutiérrez Marquez (Culinary Zinema).
  • Zarautzen erosi zuen: Aitor Arregi (Zabaltegi and Kimuak).


On the other hand, the Basque projects under development will also have a place in the festival: once again, they have organized the X. Documentary Coproduction Forum LauHaizetara and the III. Co-production Forum Europe-Latin America, with the aim of promoting the development of audiovisual projects, to promote joint working between professionals and with the intention of opening new markets. The Etxepare Basque Institute is among the collaborators of the Co-production forum Europe-Latin America to work for the presence of Basque projects in the event.

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