The Etxepare Basque Institute, #euskahaldun!


Euskara. Kultura. Mundura.

The organizers of the 19th edition of the Korrika continue to spread the message and the details of this important biennial event in favor of Basque, that inits next edition will take place from 19 to 29 March 2015. Many and institutions and entities they have already reconfirmed their commitment to cooperate with this important celebration, and the Etxepare Basque Institute could not stay behind: the director for the Promotion and Dissemination of Euskera, Mari Jose Olaziregi, renewed yesterday the Institute´s engagement to the Korrika, at a meeting held yesterday with the event managers. The Institute will therefore bring the Korrika worldwide once again: Etxepare is  #euskahaldun, too!

"Either we think this town in Basque, or this town will not be," said Amets Arzallus at the closing event of the 18th edition of the Korrika in Baiona."Either we can think of this town in Basque, or we cannot think," declares the Korrika in its new edition. Euskahaldundu gaitezen!

The organizers of the 19th edition of the Korrika continue to spread the message and the details of this important biennial event in favor of Basque, that inits next edition will take place from 19 to 29 March 2015. Many and institutions and entities they have already reconfirmed their commitment to cooperate with this important celebration, and the Etxepare Basque Institute could not stay behind: the director for the Promotion and Dissemination of Euskera, Mari Jose Olaziregi, renewed yesterday the Institute´s engagement to the Korrika, at a meeting held yesterday with the event managers. The Institute will therefore bring the Korrika worldwide once again: Etxepare is  #euskahaldun, too!

"Either we think this town in Basque, or this town will not be," said Amets Arzallus at the closing event of the 18th edition of the Korrika in Baiona."Either we can think of this town in Basque, or we cannot think," declares the Korrika in its new edition. Euskahaldundu gaitezen!

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