The echo of the Euskera will be intensely felt through the world


Euskara. Kultura. Mundura.

The Basque Language Day will be held on December 3, and the Etxepare Basque Institute will join the celebration by organizing or promoting cultural programs that will be developed through the network of Basque Language and Culture readerships that the Institute has in 34 universities of 18 countries worldwide. The Institute wants to recognize the work of the 28 teachers who form the network and its more than 1,500 students.


The Basque Language Day will be held on December 3, and the Etxepare Basque Institute will join the celebration by organizing or promoting cultural programs that will be developed through the network of Basque Language and Culture readerships that the Institute has in 34 universities of 18 countries worldwide. The Institute wants to recognize the work of the 28 teachers who form the network and its more than 1,500 students.

This year, 9 cities will host activities such as conferences, concerts, workshops, recitals and film screenings: Frankfurt (Germany), Leipzig (Germany), Cork (Ireland), Santa Barbara (USA), Bologna ( Italy), La Plata (Argentina), Brno (Czech Republic), Santiago (Chile) and Barcelona (Catalonia).

The programs of Frankfurt and Leipzig - which together with Cork, Santa Barbara and Barcelona have been organized with the collaboration of the Olaso Dorrea Foundation - will revolve around the exile and the first Basque Government coinciding with the 80th anniversary of its creation, and will include lectures by the German journalist and historian Ingo Niebel, as well as the screening of the documentary films  ‘ Iragan gunea Berlin´ and ´Gernika. Markak ´, produced in the framework of the anniversary of the appointment of the first Lehendakari (basque president).

On the other hand, the writer Mariasun Landa will participate in a meeting with students at the University of Bologna and will present in Rome the book Maitagarria eta desioa (´Fata e il desiderio´) recently translated into Italian with the support of the Institute.

The University of Cork will host a translation workshop, a lecture on Basque exile and a poetic reading by the translator Isaac Xubín. In Santa Barbara, on the other hand, they will celebrate the day of Euskera with the event "How to Basque in Basque", and at the universities of Barcelona will premiere the show "Burua gora eman genduen pausua" by Joseba Tapia and Koldo Izagirre.

In La Plata, Mikel Ezkerro will talk on The History of Euskera in Argentina and the students will have the opportunity to attend an initiation class of Euskera and Catalan. Finally, in Brno a workshop of Basque cuisine has been organized, and in Santiago de Chile a "mendi martxa".

The echo of the Euskera can be intensely felt through the world… Euskara, jalgi hadi mundura!

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