So long, Nestor Basterretxea
Euskara. Kultura. Mundura.
Nestor Basterretxea (Bermeo 1924-Hondarribia 2014), total artist who has devoted his 90 years of life to giving a new look to ancient issues, has left us this weekend. Along with Oteiza and Chillida, Basterretxea is one of the biggest names in Basque universal art; a generous and committed author, whose works in sculpture, painting, cinema or photography became the innovative voice of an era.
In recent years he used to say that creating made him feel "more alive"; to stop producing now will not prevent his work from remaining more alive than ever. Rest among us the great Basque artist Nestor Basterretxea. So long.
Nestor Basterretxea (Bermeo 1924-Hondarribia 2014), total artist who has devoted his 90 years of life to giving a new look to ancient issues, has left us this weekend. Along with Oteiza and Chillida, Basterretxea is one of the biggest names in Basque universal art; a generous and committed author, whose works in sculpture, painting, cinema or photography became the innovative voice of an era.
In recent years he used to say that creating made him feel "more alive"; to stop producing now will not prevent his work from remaining more alive than ever. Rest among us the great Basque artist Nestor Basterretxea. So long.
Photo: Zuloa