Primavera Pro: Basque. Music.
Euskara. Kultura. Mundura.
06Jun 202209Jun 2022
Eneritz Furyak and MICE will be the stars of the Basque. Music. showcase at the international Primavera Pro Festival 2022 in Barcelona running this year from June 6 to 9. The two Basque concerts will be held at the CCCB international centre for contemporary culture. MICE will perform on June 8 and Eneritz Furyak on June 9. Admission is free.
Music industry professionals from different countries will be in attendance at the trade fair and concerts. Representatives of the two Basque groups selected to take part will have the chance to meet with these professionals.
En 2005 Miren Narbaiza joined forces with Ander Mujika to create the group Napoka Iria. The two released three albums before disbanding in 2017. Narbaiza then started a new solo project under the stage name MICE. That same year she released her first album, ´MICE´. In 2019 she released her second solo work, the four-song EP, ´Zilar Printzak´.
Eneritz Furyak has gradually carved out a name for herself among the new voices of Basque music. In 2021 she presented her latest work, ´Emadan´, a post-folk decalogue with a fresh new edge.
Basque. Music. is a joint initiative of Musika Bulegoa, the Etxepare Basque Institute and Euskadiko Soinuak (Cultural Promotion - Basque Government).
Primavera Pro is an essential event for the international music industry. Concerts are broadcast around the world by live streaming. 2022 will mark the thirteenth edition of the fair. Primavera Pro is a window onto innovation and new challenges in the world of music. Its location makes the event a strategic point of cultural exchange between Europe, North America and Latin America.