Poetry to face the storm at the recital "Poeta ibiltariak - Poetes itinerants"
Euskara. Kultura. Mundura.
The words of the poets faced the storm outside at the recital organized on January 15 at the headquarters of the Etxepare Basque Institute: "Poeta ibiltariak- Poetes itinerants" (Travelling poets). About 40 people gathered around the warmth of the poems recited by Catalan and Basque poets, where the simultaneous translations of the verses recited could be read.
Aizpea Goenaga, director of the Etxepare Basque Institute, quoted the words of Xabier Lete in her greeting: "I do not know if I write good or bad poems, what I do know is that they show the truth inside of me." And she could not choose better words, because the six poets captured their truths in the poems recited. After the greeting of Josep Anton Fernàndez, director of the Department of Language and Universities and the Department of Literature and Thought of the Institut Ramon Llull, Mari Jose Olaziregi - director for the Promotion and Dissemination of the Basque and promoter of the project- was in charge of the presentations. The protagonists: Itxaro Borda, Rikardo Arregi, Iñigo Astiz, Mireia Calafell, Jordi Juliá and Jordi Llavina.
This has been the return trip of the project the "Poeta ibiltariak- Poetes itinerants": three Basque poets traveled to Barcelona in May; the Catalans visited the Basque Country last week. But, as they announced in the event, the project is not finished and will have more stops.
They also presented the publication that includes all therecited poems and translations. This publication can be downloaded from the website of the Etxepare Basque Institute.
The words of the poets faced the storm outside at the recital organized on January 15 at the headquarters of the Etxepare Basque Institute: "Poeta ibiltariak- Poetes itinerants" (Travelling poets). About 40 people gathered around the warmth of the poems recited by Catalan and Basque poets, where the simultaneous translations of the verses recited could be read.
Aizpea Goenaga, director of the Etxepare Basque Institute, quoted the words of Xabier Lete in her greeting: "I do not know if I write good or bad poems, what I do know is that they show the truth inside of me." And she could not choose better words, because the six poets captured their truths in the poems recited. After the greeting of Josep Anton Fernàndez, director of the Department of Language and Universities and the Department of Literature and Thought of the Institut Ramon Llull, Mari Jose Olaziregi - director for the Promotion and Dissemination of the Basque and promoter of the project- was in charge of the presentations. The protagonists: Itxaro Borda, Rikardo Arregi, Iñigo Astiz, Mireia Calafell, Jordi Juliá and Jordi Llavina.
This has been the return trip of the project the "Poeta ibiltariak- Poetes itinerants": three Basque poets traveled to Barcelona in May; the Catalans visited the Basque Country last week. But, as they announced in the event, the project is not finished and will have more stops.
They also presented the publication that includes all therecited poems and translations. This publication can be downloaded from the website of the Etxepare Basque Institute.