1x03 | SAHATSA JAUREGI: “Artists are labeled as ‘The Other’”

What is the world of galleries and collectors like? What perceptions do wealthy individuals have of artists? Jauregi will welcome Oier Aranzabal into her workplace in Bilbao, and they will engage in a conversation about the artist´s origins and present, as well as tradition and contemporary art, among other topics.

Euskara. Kultura. Mundura.


1x03 | SAHATSA JAUREGI: “Artists are labeled as ‘The Other’”

According to Sahatsa Jauregi, “the art scene in the Basque Country has something almost unique, something that few places have: a lot of really good artists doing really good work, but gallery and exhibition spaces are limited.” Sahatsa is one of the prominent names in contemporary Basque art. She is a sculptor and visual artist, and she also works as a teacher and researcher at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Leioa.

What is the world of galleries and collectors like? What perceptions do wealthy individuals have of artists? Jauregi will welcome Oier Aranzabal into her workplace in Bilbao, and they will engage in a conversation about the artist´s origins and present, as well as tradition and contemporary art, among other topics.

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