Over 35 creators show their work through the ‘Basque windows’ programme


Euskara. Kultura. Mundura.

Under the brand BASQUE. PERFORMING ARTS, more than 35 Basque creators and 15 companies will participate in August and September in nine performing arts festivals held in Spain, France and Portugal. These festivals include Fest´Arts in Libourne and l´Opéra Grand Avignon (France), the Andalucía Performing Arts Festival, the Torres Vedras Festival (Portugal), Fira de Teatre al Carrer de Tàrrega (Catalunya), Escena Patrimonio (Salamanca, Cuenca and Segovia) and Expoesía (Soria). A number of debut performances will take place at the various events.  The announcement of these Basque summer programmes was made this morning at press conference held at the Azkuna Zentroa in Bilbao with representatives from the Etxepare Basque Institute.

“The evolution of the pandemic has had a direct effect on the mobility of our artists," Irene Larraza, Director of the Etxepare Basque Institute, told reporters. To address the situation, the Institute has worked in collaboration with the artists to modify the call for grants aimed at promoting mobility. “Seeing that international performing arts festivals prioritised local events, it became clear that we had to work proactively with festivals and programmes that were in closer proximity to continue to spread Basque culture beyond our borders and thus maintain Etxepare´s mission even in times of pandemic.”

“These ‘windows’ are an example of the capacity of Basque creatives to produce and execute outstanding projects and extend the appeal of Basque culture beyond our borders,”, added Larraza. She also stressed the Institute’s intention to work toward recovering the international cultural programmes that have been delayed this year and to develop new initiatives.

The Basque Minister for Culture and Language Policy, Bingen Zupiria, explained that one of the jobs of the Etxepare Basque Institute is to make the Basque culture known internationally and help Basque creators show their work abroad. “It has not been easy with the situation we’re facing,” he said, “but the Etxepare Basque Institute has found a way to do it. Our artists have also managed to adapt to this unique new situation and they themselves have discovered new opportunities, new ways to make our culture known beyond our borders.” Bingen thanked the Etxepare Institute and the artists for making the most of the new opportunities and continuing along this path.

Also taking part in the presentation were some of the artists who will be taking part in the Basque ‘windows’, including Jon Maya (Kukai Dantza), whose company will perform at three festivals, Judith Argomaniz (Lasala Dantza), who will take her company to another two events, Garbitxu (Deabru Beltzak) and Ana Meabe (Marie de Jongh).

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