The Etxepare Basque Institute is a public institution with a staff of 14. The Institute is led by a general director. Activities are channeled through two main divisions, the Department of Culture and the Department of Language and University, each with their respective competences and areas of work.

Euskara. Kultura. Mundura.
General Director
Irene Larraza Aizpurua
BIOZuzendaritza idazkaria/Secretaria de dirección/Executive secretary: Itziar Bueno Errandonea | | +34 943 023 411
Department of Culture
We promote Basque culture and creators around the world. We organize quality artistic activities and work in collaboration with international partners on prestigious programmes to ensure the participation of Basque creators. We promote and facilitate exchange and long-term collaboration between creators, professionals, stakeholders, and local and international institutions. We foster opportunities for the mobility of Basque creators and their work, and support Basque literary translation.
Director: Imanol Otaegi Mitxelena
BIOAlexander Aginagalde Lopez | |+34 943 023 406
Kizkitza Galartza Arregi | | +34 943 023 409
Jokin Labayen Iraeta | | +34 943 023 402
Department of Language and Universities
We promote Basque studies and academic research in international universities and research institutions. We encourage a knowledge of Euskara among Basque communities around the world. We strive to disseminate knowledge surrounding the reality of the Basque language at international linguistic conferences and in academic forums and networks.
Director: Monika Madinabeitia Medrano
BIOEneko Agirre Maiora | | +34 943 023 407
Amaia Goikoetxea Azpeitia | | +34 943 023 407
Kinku Zinkunegi Uzkudun | | +34 943 023 415
Communications Department
We handle the organization´s communications, marketing and brand management. We manage digitalization processes and support the directors in strategic and administrative matters.
Head of Brand and Communications: Mikel Lasa Iza
Maddi Castro Elosegi | | +34 943 023 408
Department of Legal Affairs
In charge of legal advice.
Legal Advisor: Elena Arrieta Urdangarin
Department of Administration and Services
We handle the organisation´s economic control, administration and human resources.
Administration and Services Officer: Deborah Solla Sampedro
Miren Moreno Zubeldia | | +34 943 023 400
Julen Solla Sampedro | | +34 943 023 416
Executive Committee
President: Ibone Bengoetxea Otaolea
- Ander Caballero Barturen
- Miren Josune Irabien Marigorta
- Mikel Erkoreka González
- Edurne Ormazabal Azpiroz
- Jaime Otamendi Muñagorri
- Irene Larraza Aizpurua
Board of Trustees
Ex-officio members
- Imanol Pradales Gil, Basque Prime Minister
- Ibone Bengoetxea Otaolea, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Culture and Language Policy, Basque Government
- Ander Caballero Barturen, Secretary General for External Affairs and ‘Euskadi Global’, Basque Government
- Andoni Iturbe Amorebieta, Deputy Minister for Culture, Basque Government
- Aitor Aldasoro Iturbe, Deputy Minister for Language Policy, Basque Government
- Lucía Torrealday Berrueco, Deputy Minister for Education Policy, Basque Government
- Iñaki Alonso Arce, Deputy Minister for Finance, Basque Government
- Miren Dobaran Urrutia, Deputy Minister for Language Policy, Basque Government
- Leixuri Arrizabalaga Arruza, representing the Provincial Council of Bizkaia
- Miren Garbiñe Mendizabal Mendizabal, representing the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa
- Joseba Perez de Heredia, representing the Provincial Council of Álava
- Irene Larraza Aizpurua, Director of the Etxepare Basque Institute
Non ex-officio members
Members representing Basque literature, philology and culture
- Josune Ariztondo Akarregi
- Ana Urkiza Ibaibarriaga
- Junkal Gutiérrez Mangado
- Xabier Riezu Arregui
- Nagore Ipiña Larrañaga
- Edurne Ormazabal
- María Pilar López López
- Vanesa Fernández Guerra
- Jaime Otamendi Muñagorri
- Ana Toledo Leceta
- Fernando Sáenz de Ugarte
- Miren Agur Meabe
- Oscar Castaño Baleirón
- Laura Etxebarria Lus
- Maddi Arana Bueno
Members representing the different professional sectors of culture, on proposal of the Basque Parliament:
- Zigor Samaniego
- Amaia Espinosa
- Jasone Agirre Garitaonandia
- Ramon Etxezarreta Aizpuru
- Xabier Olabarrieta Arnaiz