News about the Basque language, culture and contemporary creation.

Euskara. Kultura. Mundura.
Nexgraff, Basque Urban Graffiti Artist
Climbing scaffolding and cranes with his father since he was a teen, Nexgraff have created large murals and he has become one of the world’s best mural artists in only a few years.
3, 2, 1… We´ve reached our goal!
We will be moving from the three monolingual channels we currently have to a unique and multilingual channel. Both on Facebook and X (Twitter).
BASQUE. BOOKS. - The portal for samples of Basque literature
The Etxepare Basque Institute has created a portal featuring samples of literature in Basque. Here is the what, where and why.
Basque. Playlist. #11 – Divorce From New York
Álvaro Granda weaves a vibrant tapestry of broken beats, uplifting sonics and syncopated rhythms, fusing jungle, house and bruk with jazz sensibilities.
The Euskara Munduan programme launches the first barnetegi in San Nicolás
The barnetegi will be held in San Nicolás, Argentina, with the participation of a new group of prospective Basque teachers.
“We need to ensure that every student has the opportunity to learn Basque effectively.”
Harkaitz Zubiri has researched successful activities to reinforce the learning of Basque in schools,in the framework of the Alan R. King Chair (Wales).
Zorionak eta urte berri on!
Thank you for helping us spread the Basque language and culture throught the world.
Euskara Munduan at the VIII World Congress of Basque Communities
Irene Larraza, Kinku Zinkunegi and Monika Madinabeitia presented the achievements, aims and outcomes of the Etxepare Basque Institute´s programme at the Kursaal in San Sebastian.
"We took inspiration from improvisation techniques, using them to push our boundaries"
Amaia Elizaran shows the results of her stay in the artist-in-residence dance creation programme in Montreal with the piece ´In a Loop´.