News about the Basque language, culture and contemporary creation.

Euskara. Kultura. Mundura.
The Galtzagorri Association has received the Golden Feather prize
The Cámara del Libro de Euskadi has given the Golden Feather prize to the Galtzagorri Association, for their work in favour of children and youth literature. Iñaki Markotegi, head of ...
The winner article of "Aurten, euskara bai!" competition
Matylda Figlerowicz, from the University Adam Mickiewicz ( Poznan) has been the winner of "Aurten, euskara bai!" competition. Do you want to read her text? The Etxepare Basque institute and "Aurten...
Want to put the activities promoted by Etxepare on the world map?
As you know, our website contains all the information on the Basque Etxepare Institute, chronologically and in various sections. But now we want to show you their place in the world. That´s w...
"Euskara hitz egitean, euskaldunen begien bidez munduari begiratzen diogu"
The Etxepare Basque institute and "Aurten Bai foundation" are giving the chance to 25 european students to stay in the Barnetegi of Zornotza for some days. Besides, they have also ornagized the com...
Arantxa Urretabizkaia speaks on Basque literature and cinema to the students of the Freie Universität Berlin
As a result of joint work between the Etxepare Basque Institute and the Mintzanet platform , the group Maramara * Basque artists and promoters are offering training sessions, live from the Basque C...
Tanttaka Teatroa , Best Theatre Company at the Max Awards. Zorionak!
The Basque company Tanttaka Teatroa received yesterday in Madrid the Max Award to the Best Theatre Production or Private Company for its stage plays "Soinujolearen semea” and "Komunikaz...
The Basque dancer Iratxe Ansa has directed a dance workshop at Convexus Mexico
The dancer and choreographer Iratxe Ansa, from Donostia, has offered a workshop about contemporary ballet in Mexico, between 12-23 May, at the opening of Convexus’ activities, a dance trainin...
The international dance and movement meeting MOV-S kicks off in Bilbao
Coinciding with the second edition of the Encuentro de Nuevas Formas Escénicas 3, 2, 1, meeting, AlhondigaBilbao hosts, starting today and until May 31 MOV-S 2014, a traveling initiative by ...
The exhibition GAUR (sic) will bring 8 works by the new generation of Basque artists to 8 countries
With the aim of raising awareness about contemporary Basque art and placing it in an international context, in 2011 the Etxepare Basque Institute sponsored GAUR (sic), a research project that took ...