News at the International Summer Course Basque Yourself!


Euskara. Kultura. Mundura.

The International Summer School Basque Yourself! has announced novelties: at the request of the students interested in the course, they have decided to broaden the enrolment options. In this way, they are seeking to better meet their needs, through an offer that allows for different forms of participation according to personal interests.

From now on, students will be able to choose to register for the full 12ECTS credit course, as they have been able to up to now, or opt for a partial 6 ECTS credit enrolment through one of the following packs that they are offering:

Pack BY 1: offers 6 ECTS credits corresponding to attending Classes and Seminars under the same conditions offered by full enrolment.

Pack BY 2: allows you to receive 6 ECTS credits combing part of the Classesand Seminars in the specific academic offer (3 ECTS credits) with the full Basque Language Course (3 ECTS credits).

Pack BY 3: allows you to receive 6 ECTS credits combing part of the Classes and Seminars in the specific academic offer (3 ECTS credits) with the Fun and Cultural Excursions and Activities (3 ECTS credits).

Basque Yourself! is a course organized by the University of the Basque Country; with a wide offer of cultural activities and seminars aimed at university students interested in Basque culture and identity.

For more information, click in this link.


The International Summer School Basque Yourself! has announced novelties: at the request of the students interested in the course, they have decided to broaden the enrolment options. In this way, they are seeking to better meet their needs, through an offer that allows for different forms of participation according to personal interests.

From now on, students will be able to choose to register for the full 12ECTS credit course, as they have been able to up to now, or opt for a partial 6 ECTS credit enrolment through one of the following packs that they are offering:

Pack BY 1: offers 6 ECTS credits corresponding to attending Classes and Seminars under the same conditions offered by full enrolment.

Pack BY 2: allows you to receive 6 ECTS credits combing part of the Classesand Seminars in the specific academic offer (3 ECTS credits) with the full Basque Language Course (3 ECTS credits).

Pack BY 3: allows you to receive 6 ECTS credits combing part of the Classes and Seminars in the specific academic offer (3 ECTS credits) with the Fun and Cultural Excursions and Activities (3 ECTS credits).

Basque Yourself! is a course organized by the University of the Basque Country; with a wide offer of cultural activities and seminars aimed at university students interested in Basque culture and identity.

For more information, click in this link.


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