Fira Trovam: Liher + Bulego
Euskara. Kultura. Mundura.
03Nov 202106Nov 2021
The ninth edition of Fira Valenciana de la Música Trovam – Pro Weekend will be held from Wednesday to Saturday, 3-6 November 2021, in Castelló de la Plana. BASQUE. MUSIC. will have two showcases featuring concets by Bulego and Liher.
The pop music band Bulego was formed in January 2019 as a multidisciplinary project. The members of the group are Tomas Lizarazu (vocals and guitar), Xabi Arrieta (drums), Jontxu Ape (bass), Ruben Lizarralde (guitar) and Itzi Beitia (keyboards).
The members of Liher are Lide Hernando (singer and guitarist), Iñigo Etxarri (guitar, backing vocals), Joshka Natke (bass, backing vocals) and Ander Berzosa (drums).
These two performances will be live and in person. This year´s event will be hybrid combining the in-person and online model developed in the last edition.
The backbone of the professional activities will once again be the round table discussions, where industry professional will have a chance to meet and reflect. Workshops by specialists will also be held and artists will give first-hand accounts of their work.
In addition to the showcases BASQUE. MUSIC. will also organise different activities and meetings for Basque professionals taking part in FIRA TROVAM 2021.