Etxepare - LABORAL Kutxa Translation Prize (2021)

The goal of the Etxepare - LABORAL Kutxa Translation Prize is to award a prize to a published translation of a literary work which was originally written in Basque with the main objective of promoting a work written in Basque at an international level. The prize will reward the quality of the translation itself and the publisher’s promotional strategy. For that reason, the publisher and the translator will share the prize.
The prize will be worth 4,000 euros. The publisher and translator will each receive half that amount. As well as the prize, the prize-winners will receive a grant of up to 2,000 euros for being able to come to the prize-giving ceremony and continuing with the promotional strategy in the country of publication (presentations, events, publicity campaigns, media interviews…).
- Application deadline: 2021/06/01 - 2021/06/25
- Calling entity: Etxepare Basque Institute - LABORAL Kutxa
- Amount: 4,000€
- Contact: Kizkitza Galartza | | (+34) 943 023 406