Enzo Damelio and Mexico City students win the video contest!
Euskara. Kultura. Mundura.
There are only two days until the 21st edition of the Korrika begins its journey and we already have our two video contest winners.
There are only two days until the 21st edition of the Korrika begins its journey and we already have our two video contest winners. Enzo Damelio from the La Plata Basque Center in Argentina took the award for the best video from among the Basque Center contestants, with 1470 ‘likes’. The students at the UNAM in Mexico City won the best video by Basque language and culture students at international universities. This is the second time the UNAM team has won the award, this time with 1122 ‘likes’. CONGRATULATIONS to the winners!
This year we received 29 videos from around the world and the public had two weeks to cast their vote. The winners (UNAM will have to choose one student from their team to enjoy the reward) will be invited to an AEK live-in summer school to improve their Basque and get to know the Basque Country.
Korrika will travel the roads of the Basque Country from the 4th to the 14th of April. But the initiative is also meant to extend support for the Basque language to the rest of the world through the Korrika Munduan programme. In addition to the contest, more than 30 Korrikas have been organized in 20 countries thanks to the work of Basque Centers, Basque Language Basque Culture readerships at international universities and members of Basque communities.
Click here to watch all the videos!