Eider Rodriguez and Lander Garro win the Etxepare – LABORAL Kutxa Translation Prize


Euskara. Kultura. Mundura.

The Spanish translation of Bihotz handiegia (Un corazón demasiado grande [A heart too big]), a collection of short stories written and translated by Eider Rodriguez, is the winner of the sixth edition of the Etxepare – LABORAL Kutxa Translation Prize. Rodriguez shares the accolade with Lander Garro for his contribution in the translation, and the Barcelona-based publishing house Literatura Random House, part of Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial.

The award ceremony was held at the Basque Historical Archive in Bilbao and was attended by the Basque Government´s Minister of Culture and Language Policy, Bingen Zupiria, together with Etxepare Basque Institute director Irene Larraza.

In making its decision on the winner, the jury took into account the quality of the translation, as well publisher´s efforts to promote the work. The jury was composed of Inaxio Garro, head of the Basque department at LABORAL Kutxa; Garbiñe Iztueta, Director of Promotion and Dissemination of Basque at Etxepare Euskal Institute; Koldo Biguri, Koldo Biguri, professor and member of  EIZIE (Association of Translators, Correctors and Interpreters of Basque Language); Elizabete Manterola, professor at the UPV/EHU and also a member of EIZIE; Kizkitza Galartza, Literature specialist at Etxepare Euskal Institute; and Lide Hernando from the Communications department at Etxepare Euskal Institute (representing Mikel Lasa, Head of Communications).

The prize, valued at 4,000 euros, is awarded for the quality of the translation and the promotional work of the publishing house. The prize is therefore shared between the publisher and the translators. The winners may also be granted up to 2,000 euros to attend the award ceremony or to continue the promotional work (presentations, advertising campaigns, etc.) in the country where the prize-winning work was published.

This award is yet another one of the Etxepare Euskal Institute’s activities aimed at promoting Basque culture. In the area of literature, besides providing grants for translation and travel expenses, the Institute encourages the participation of Basque writers at book fairs and international literature festivals. Moreover, through this award, LABORAL Kutxa continues its commitment to furthering the Basque language and culture.

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