Days of Nevada ... in Mexico
Euskara. Kultura. Mundura.
Accompanied by the renowned Mexican writer Alberto Ruy Sanchez, the Basque author Bernardo Atxaga presented his novel "Nevadako egunak" ("Days of Nevada") yesterday at the FIL, Feria Internacional de Libro of Guadalajara (Mexico). The writer has participated in the fair for two days and has caused great excitement: since Monday he has been signing books nonstop and meeting mass media. Today, December 3, International Day of Euskera, his voice will be heard in one of the temples of world literature: the Palacio de Bellas Artes in Mexico City.
In his presentation of "Nevadako egunak" ("Days of Nevada") yesterday at the FIL, Ruy Sánchez said the narrator of this book starts telling what is apparently an everyday story, but as the plot goes some oddities emerge, oddities that seem the result of cultural differences ... Those memories turn from simple images into great stories that converge into one, the novel, "Nevadako egunak" ("Days of Nevada"), which Alberto Ruy Sánchez defined as a great narrative poem consists of a collage of pieces.
Bernardo Atxaga assured that it is essential for the literary texts not to lack poetry and roots, which is probably –he said- one of the elements that characterizes his work. For the author, the universe of these the stories should inspire the journey of the mind from one place to another, often also by the association or relationship of the reader himself with a word, a landscape, a name ...
Besides, yesterday morning Bernardo Atxaga made his second appearance on the program ´Echoes of FIL´ at the Preparatory High School 1, which celebrates 100 years of existence. With a full house, Atxaga stressed that the school serves to discover talent, to make mistakes and to rectify. The will is paramount to go either way, he added.
At the request of the students, who wanted to hear the sound of the Basque language, Atxaga chose his poem "Egun finlandiar bat" ("A long Finnish Day"), and read it loud to the young audience.
Accompanied by the renowned Mexican writer Alberto Ruy Sanchez, the Basque author Bernardo Atxaga presented his novel "Nevadako egunak" ("Days of Nevada") yesterday at the FIL, Feria Internacional de Libro of Guadalajara (Mexico). The writer has participated in the fair for two days and has caused great excitement: since Monday he has been signing books nonstop and meeting mass media. Today, December 3, International Day of Euskera, his voice will be heard in one of the temples of world literature: the Palacio de Bellas Artes in Mexico City.
In his presentation of "Nevadako egunak" ("Days of Nevada") yesterday at the FIL, Ruy Sánchez said the narrator of this book starts telling what is apparently an everyday story, but as the plot goes some oddities emerge, oddities that seem the result of cultural differences ... Those memories turn from simple images into great stories that converge into one, the novel, "Nevadako egunak" ("Days of Nevada"), which Alberto Ruy Sánchez defined as a great narrative poem consists of a collage of pieces.
Bernardo Atxaga assured that it is essential for the literary texts not to lack poetry and roots, which is probably –he said- one of the elements that characterizes his work. For the author, the universe of these the stories should inspire the journey of the mind from one place to another, often also by the association or relationship of the reader himself with a word, a landscape, a name ...
Besides, yesterday morning Bernardo Atxaga made his second appearance on the program ´Echoes of FIL´ at the Preparatory High School 1, which celebrates 100 years of existence. With a full house, Atxaga stressed that the school serves to discover talent, to make mistakes and to rectify. The will is paramount to go either way, he added.
At the request of the students, who wanted to hear the sound of the Basque language, Atxaga chose his poem "Egun finlandiar bat" ("A long Finnish Day"), and read it loud to the young audience.
Egun finlandiar bat nahi nuke izan
zurekin hizketan jarraitzeko
zure hitzek on egiten didate
lasaitu egiten naute barren-barrendik…
Today, December 3, the International Day of Euskera, Bernardo Atxaga and Mari Jose Olaziregi, director for the Promotion and Dissemination of the Basque Language at the Etxepare Basque Institute, are traveling to Mexico City, where Atxaga will give a lecture-talk in the emblematic Palacio de Bellas Artes, along with the journalist Javier Aranda. This event on the work of the Basque author is titled "Conversation with Bernardo Atxaga".
In the photos: Bernardo Atxaga with Alberto Ruy Sanchez in the presentation of "Days of Nevada" at the FIL; in High School No. 1, Jalisco; offering several interviews
The entire program