Berlinale - EFM 2021: Basque. Audiovisual.
Euskara. Kultura. Mundura.

01Mar 202105Mar 2021
Basque cinema will be well represented at the Berlinale that is being held from 1 to 5 March, in an online format. This year, the first major European festival has decided to only invite the press and industry operators as it opens this week; it has organised the European Film Market, the Berlinale Co-Production Market, the Berlinale Talents and the World Cinema Fund. And in June it will be the public’s turn, with countless screenings planned for cinemas and outdoors.
Basque. Audiovisual. will have a virtual stand, linked to the Cinema from Spain website, where it will offer information about tax incentives in the region, the grant system and various tools and associations that support the industry worldwide.
Additionally, a huge number of professionals from the Basque Country have received accreditation, like Miren Aperribay (Atera Films), Ainhoa Andraka (Doxa Producciones), Nicos Beatty (Soul Pictures), Liliana Braco (Soul Pictures), Rafael Marín (Soul Pictures), Eduardo Carneros (Euskadi Movie AIE), Unai Fernández (Barton Films), Iker Ganuza (Lamia Producciones), Naiara Martínez de Marigorta (Expressive Media), Izaskun Pérez (Expressive Media), Maru Solores (Lumiere Ekoizpenak), Alberto Sota (Pantoma Films) and Julieta Juncadella (Vitrine Filmes).
Representatives from Zineuskadi and Creative Europe Desk MEDIA Basque Country will also be at the event. And the Basque delegation will be joined by members from the San Sebastian Festival, Zinebi, Zinegoak, Gaztefilm and Tabakalera.