Basque literature translated into many languages in 2019


Euskara. Kultura. Mundura.

Several Basque books were translated and published in 2019 thanks to subsidies from the Etxepare Basque Institute. The Institute provided grants for 14 translations of Basque works, amounting to a total of €33,346.

Several Basque books were translated and published in 2019 thanks to subsidies from the Etxepare Basque Institute. The Institute provided grants for 14 translations of Basque works, amounting to a total of €33,346.

Essay, children’s literature, fiction and short stories are among the literary genres of the translated Basque books that were given grants in 2019. Some of the applicants were Basque publishing houses such as Erein and Txalaparta, but there also are some Serbian and Hungarian companies.

Among the 14 subsidized works, eight have already been published: La última entrevista con la dirección de ETA by Iñaki Soto, into Spanish; Yo te creo, by Samara Velte, into Spanish; La voz del Faquir, by Harkaitz Cano, into Spanish; El camisón de seda blanco by Alaine Agirre, into Spanish; Klarisa y el grupo K. El misterio del parque de las ánimas by Arrate Egaña, into Spanish; Las madres no by Katixa Agirre, into Spanish; Memories of a Basque Cow by Bernardo Atxaga, into English; and El Feminismo y las transformaciones en la política by Mari Luz Esteban, into Catalan.

One of the focuses of the Etxepare Basque Institute since its creation has been to promote the translation of Basque works. Every year the Institute subsidizes the translation of Basque literature into foreign languages and manages other activities that promote translation, such as the Etxepare - LABORAL Kutxa Award for Translation.

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