´AT! Itzulpenak: Literatura´ grants to promote the translation of Basque literature


Euskara. Kultura. Mundura.

One of the main lines of work of the Etxepare Basque Institute is to promote Basque literature abroad. To achieve this goal, an annual call for grants is initiated to support the full translation of Basque literary works. The goal of ‘AT Itzulpenak: Literatura’ is to encourage the translation of Basque literature and support Basque writers and their works to reach international audiences.

This year, 63,000 euros will be allocated to the grant and the Etxepare Basque Institute will support the following translation activities:

  • Literary works originally written and published in Basque translated into other languages.
  • Literary works originally written and published in Spanish by authors from the Basque Autonomous Community translated into other languages (except Basque).
  • Publishing and promotion costs for publishers.


Proposals may be submitted from 15 June to 15 July.

The calls to translate literary samples into foreign languages  – AT! Itzulpenak: literatura- laginak (2024) – and the call for travel grants to promote international mobility – AT! Literatura (2024) – are also open.

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