Call now open for academic residency applications in Wales as part of the Alan R. King Chair


Euskara. Kultura. Mundura.

The call for applications for professor in residence at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David, within the framework of the Alan R. King Chair, is now open. The deadline for applications is 15 February. The selected lecturer or researcher will spend six weeks at the Centre for Advanced Welsh and Celtic Studies (CAWCS), located in Aberystwyth, Wales. During this period, he will be exploring academic and research activities focused on Basque sociolinguistics.

The Alan R. King chair was launched in 2022 through a collaboration between the University of Wales Trinity Saint David, the Centre for Advanced Welsh and Celtic Studies (CAWCS) and the Etxepare Basque Studies Institute. The fellowship is named after the late Alan R. King, eminent linguist, minority language activist and member of Euskaltzaindia (Academy of the Basque Language). The programme supports academic research and collaboration in sociolinguistics, language planning and language policy in the Basque Country and Wales.

For more information, click here.



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