In this section you will find professional and academic news aimed at the cultural sectors.
Euskara. Kultura. Mundura.
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Accepted abstracts: Identity and otherness: a comparative overview of Basque and Georgian literatures
From July 24-29, 2022, Tbilisi State University will host the 23rd Congress of the International Comparative Literature Association (ICLA). Organisers have made the accepted papers public ´Identity and otherness: a comparative overview of Basque and Georgian Literatures´.
Open call to select the Jon Bilbao Visiting Research Fellow
The Etxepare Basque Institute and the Nevada System of Higher Education (University of Nevada, Reno, USA) have announced a call to select the Jon Bilbao Visiting Research Fellow.
The call for research grants for Basque Studies at the University of Liverpool is open
The Manuel Irujo Chair at the University of Liverpool began the Manuel Irujo Scholarship in Basque Studies in 2019. From now until May 31, students are invited to apply for the 2022 scholarship.
Call for papers: Identity and otherness: a comparative overview of Basque and Georgian literatures
From July 24-29, 2022, Tbilisi State University will host the 23rd Congress of the International Comparative Literature Association (ICLA). The TSU’s Basque Language and Culture Lectureship, together with the Etxepare Basque Institute have organized a panel for the congress under the title “Identity and otherness: a comparative overview of Basque and Georgian Literatures”.
Call open for poetry translation residencies
The Council for Galician Culture, the Institut Ramon Llull and the Etxepare Basque Institute have opened a call for established and emerging translators who wish to take part in a poetry translation residency in Faberllull (Olot, Catalonia).
23 students have started the course to become readers
The aim of this course is to train teachers or readers to teach Basque as a foreign language.
Eneko Bidegain will study how the diaspora gathers information about the Basque people
Eneko Bidegain has been selected for this year´s edition of the Jon Bilbao Visiting Research Fellow at the University of Nevada, Reno, home to the Center for Basque Studies. Bidegain will conduct his research in 2021 during a one-month stay between August and December.
People’s choice voting now open for MIN Awards
The public can now cast their vote for the Spanish Independent Music Awards (MIN) until 4 May. The 15 artists or groups with the most votes in each category will be announced on 5 May.
Basque Audiovisual returns to Sunny Side of the Doc
As in every year, Basque Audiovisual will see to it that Basque documentaries have a presence at the international marketplace Sunny Side of the Doc. Is usually held in La Rochelle, France, but this year will be moved online from 21 to 24 June.
Abierta la convocatoria para participar en la selección de cortos Kimuak 2021
El plazo para presentar cortometrajes a la edición de 2021 de KIMUAK estará abierto hasta el lunes 24 de mayo.
Open call to select the Jon Bilbao Visiting Research Fellow
The Etxepare Basque Institute and the Nevada System of Higher Education (University of Nevada, Reno, USA) have announced a call to select the Jon Bilbao Visiting Research Fellow. Deadline for applications is March 19th.
Higinia Garay to illustrate the cover of Chejov vs Shakespeare 2020
After assessing the applications submitted in response to the public call for the competition made public on 15 November, the Professional Association of Illustrators of Euskadi communicated that: