In this section you will find professional and academic news aimed at the cultural sectors.
Euskara. Kultura. Mundura.
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Etxepare Basque Institute opens the call for mobility grants for creators
Deadline for applications for funding all 2023 activities is 31 October. It will be sufficient to meet the requirements for receiving a subsidy.
Call for applications now open for artist residency in Scotland
The goal of the program is to provide a shared area where various artists, stakeholders, and artistic projects can work together.
Harkaitz Zubiri to complete a research fellowship as part of the Alan R King Chair
The Etxepare Basque Institute and the University of Wales Trinity Saint David have awarded Harkaitz Zubiri the next visiting researcher/lecturer fellowship for the 2023 Alan R King Chair.
Applications now open for research scholarship in Basque Studies at the University of Liverpool
The call for applications for the research grant in the field of Basque Studies is open until 30 June.
Tabakalera-Morpho: International call for proposals
Call for artists working in the Basque Country (C.A.V.), Nafarroa and the Community of Agglomeration of the Basque Country who are willing to explore new artistic contexts and develop their artistic practice in Morpho.
Open call to select the Jon Bilbao Visiting Research Fellow
The Etxepare Basque Institute and the Nevada System of Higher Education (University of Nevada, Reno, USA) have announced the annual call.
Bitamine Faktoria selects 2023 EAS/EZE participating artist
Bitamine Faktoria has selected Estíbaliz Sadaba and her project ‘acciones B)))’ to take part in the 2023 EAS/EZE programme aimed at shining an international spotlight on contemporary Basque art.
BIME Bogotá 2023 Basque artist call for applications now open
The Basque group or solo performer will be chosen by the BIME PRO organisers, and the concert for international promoters will be part of the Basque. Music agenda.
Call for applications now open for research or creative residency at the Frank Bidart Chair
The purpose of this call is to select a visiting researcher/creator for 2023.
Call for applications now open for grants for students from outside the Basque language geographical area
Applicants must be domiciled outside the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country, the Autonomous Community of Navarre and the French Basque region (Communauté Pays Basque). The call will be open from 4 October to 3 November.
Imanol Larrea to begin the first research project for the Alan R. King Basque Studies Chair
The Etxepare Basque Institute and the University of Wales Trinity Saint David have selected Imanol Larrea Mendizabal to carry out the first research project.
Submission now open for the Etxepare - LABORAL Kutxa Translation Prize
The call for entries from the two organising institutions, the Etxepare Basque Institute and LABORAL Kutxa, is open from June 13 to July 1.