In this section you will find professional and academic news aimed at the cultural sectors.
Euskara. Kultura. Mundura.
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Etxepare Euskal Institutua has opened six calls for lectureships (2025)
The selected lecturers will join the following universities as of the 2025/2026 academic year.
Gala Knörr selected for Frank Bidart Chair 2025 creative project
´La luz que nunca se apaga´ is a project that will explore the importance of making women of the Basque Diaspora visible.
Registration for the MIN 2025 Awards now open
As every year, MIN will be awarding the prize for the best album in Basque. The deadline for submitting nominations is 7 February.
Open call: samples of literary works
The Etxepare Basque Institute is publishing a call for proposals for samples of literary works that may be suitable for promotion abroad, with the idea of facilitating their translation into English or French.
Call for proposals for visiting research or artistic fellow in California now open
The Frank Bidart Chair, promoted by the Etxepare Basque Institute at California State University, Bakersfield (CSUB) offers a unique opportunity for those seeking a research or artistic residency in 2025.
´AT! Itzulpenak: Literatura´ grants to promote the translation of Basque literature
A total of 63,000 euros will be allocated for these grants; submission of proposals will take place from June 15th to July 15th.
Submission now open for the 2024 Etxepare - LABORAL Kutxa Translation Prize
Through this call, a prize will be awarded for the translation of a literary work originally written in Basque and published in 2023.
Izaro to perform at BIME Bogotá 2024 with support from BASQUE. MUSIC.
The upcoming edition of BIME Bogotá will be held from 8 to 11 May 2024. Basque musician Izaro will take part in the showcase organised by BASQUE. MUSIC.
Call launched for grants to develop projects involving stakeholders in strategic territories outside Europe (2024-2025)
The Basque Government set to promote cultural collaboration projects with Quebec (Canada), Querétaro (Mexico), Cundinamarca (Colombia) and the Metropolitan Region of Santiago de Chile.
Mikel Gartziarena named 2024 Alan R. King Professor in Residence
He has been appointed by the Etxepare Basque Institute and the University of Wales Trinity Saint David to spend six weeks at the CAWCS centre in Wales.
Open call to select the Jon Bilbao Visiting Research Fellow (2024)
The Etxepare Basque Institute and the Nevada System of Higher Education (University of Nevada, Reno, USA) have announced a call to select the Jon Bilbao Visiting Research Fellow.
Tabakalera-Morpho International Cooperation Call for Proposals published
Artist Sara Ayesa (Donostia, 1997) has been selected in the Tabakalera-Morpho International Call for Collaboration for an artistic residency in Antwerp.