A day devoted to the Basque Culture in Gdansk


Euskara. Kultura. Mundura.

The Etnographic Museum of Gdansk has organised "Dzien Baskjiski”, a day devoted to the Basque Culture, on March 29. Katarzyna Mirgos and Amaia Donés Mendia, teachers at the Adam Mickiewicz University -the latter as Basque Language and culture reader of the Etxepare Basque Institute-, will give some lectures and workshops devoted to Basque culture in order to promote our culture in Poland. They will also screen some films out the Kimuak Basque short film program.


The Etnographic Museum of Gdansk has organised "Dzien Baskjiski”, a day devoted to the Basque Culture, on March 29. Katarzyna Mirgos and Amaia Donés Mendia, teachers at the Adam Mickiewicz University -the latter as Basque Language and culture reader of the Etxepare Basque Institute-, will give some lectures and workshops devoted to Basque culture in order to promote our culture in Poland. They will also screen some films out the Kimuak Basque short film program.


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