15 literary works translated with the help of the Etxepare Basque Institute


Euskara. Kultura. Mundura.

One of the aims of the Etxepare Basque Institute is to bring Basque literature to a wider audience. In order to do so, it is essential to translate texts into other languages. Etxepare contributes to this goal by providing grants for the translation of literature written in Basque or by authors who are permanent residents in the Basque Autonomous Community.

One of the aims of the Etxepare Basque Institute is to bring Basque literature to a wider audience. In order to do so, it is essential to translate texts into other languages. Etxepare contributes to this goal by providing grants for the translation of literature written in Basque or by authors who are permanent residents in the Basque Autonomous Community.

Of the 18 requests received in 2018, 15 translators and publishers were awarded grants for a total of 12 literary works translated into different languages. Seven of them have been translated from Basque into Spanish and the rest into languages including Catalan, Serbian, Danish and Albanian. At the moment, four of them have been published, but it’s expected that all will be published before the end of the year.

Among the translated works are 11 novels, 10 of which were originally written in Basque. Below is a brief description:

Poz aldrebesa (2017) by Juanjo Olasagarre. Translated into Spanish by Angel Erro (published by Dos Bigotes)

This novel is about problems in the relationship of a gay couple. It follows the two men as they find a path to peace, tackling issues such as love, politics and difficulties in their friendship.

Horma (2017) by Angel Lertxundi. Translated into Spanish by Jorge Gimenez Bech (published by Erein). Published.

The narrator of this novel is also a translator who is also experiencing the first problems in his relationship. His mother, who is his main support, begins to have memory problems. The protagonist loses himself in a tangle of unanswered questions.

Arrutiren banda (2017) by Jon Arretxe. Translated into Spanish by Cristina Fernandez (published by Erein). Published.

Lies and pitfalls are everyday occurrences in the lives of the main characters in this story. They haven’t had it easy while growing up together in the town of Basauri. Their goal is to get their hands on the treasure from a robbery.

Atzerri (2012) by Mikel Antza. Translated into Spanish by Roberta Gozzi (published by Txalaparta)

This novel deals with the questions Antza askshimself about what his time in exile means, whether a pen or a gun are more influential. Is literature a tool for struggle?

Erraiak (2014)by Danele Sarriugarte. Translated into Spanish by Miren Iriarte (published by Javier Díaz)

This novel beings with the painful breakup of the narrator. She talks about the experiences, mostly negative, of her relationships, from a woman’s point of view.

Abbadiren sekretua (2012) by Fernando Morillo. Translated into Spanish by Fernando Morillo (published by Gaumin)

This story takes place in a mysterious environment. With the help of their grandmother and a few friends, two brothers search for two other friends who have disappeared suspiciously. They will have to carry out a thorough investigation, and even dig into their family history.

Bihotz Handiegia (2017) by Eider Rodriguez. Translated into Catalan by Pau Joan Hernández (Edicions del Periscopi) and into Spanish by Eider Rodriguez (Random House)

The six protagonists in this story have doubts and questions about their lives and environment. Love relationships, misunderstood desires, false expectations ... a reflection on everyday problems.

Elkarrekin esnatzeko ordua (2016) by Kirmen Uribe. Translated into Serbian by Nataša Vujnović (Arete Doo) and into Greek by Vassiliki Knitou (Kastaniotis Editions). Published in Greek.

This is the fictionalized chronicle of a 20th century Basque family over four periods of time.  Karmele Urresti and Txomin Letamendi are real people who lived in the difficult years following the Spanish Civil War and who for many years fought for freedom and resistance.

Soinujolearen semea (2003) by Bernardo Atxaga. Translated into Albanian by Bashkin Shehu (published by Aleph Klub)

Atxaga narra la vida entre amigos de Joseba y David, el hijo del acordeonista. Desde los años 30 hasta finales del siglo XX. tratan temas como la Guerra Civil, el conflicto vasco o incluso el amor.

Atxaga tells the story of a friendship between Joseba and David, the son of the accordionist. From the 1930s to the end of the 20th century, the story deals with topics such as the Civil War, the Basque conflict and even love.

Anthology of seven Basque poets. Translated into Slovenian by Barbara Pregelj (Sodobnost magazine)

This selection of seven Basque poets was published in the Slovenian magazine Sodobnost. With a prologue by Ibon Egaña, the poems are by Sarasola, Igerabide, Meabe, Bilbao, Benito, Erro and Borda. This is the second time that an anthology of Basque poets has been translated into Slovenian. This time new authors and poems have been included.

Prólogo para una guerra (2017) by Iván Repila. Translated into French by Margot Nguyen Béraud (published by Actes Sud). Published.

This novel is about a conflict between two men who have very different ways of seeing the world. Emil defends human progress and development within the system, while El Mudo wants to put an end to a society that doesn’t represent him. They both have one thing in common: they love the same woman.

Atertu arte itxaron (2015) by Katixa Agirre. Translated into Bulgarian by Maria Pachkova (published by PLAMAR) and into Danish by Guillermo Camacho (published by Aurora Boreal)

Ulia is going to tour the Basque Country in summer with her boyfriend. The couple expected a quiet, relaxing trip, but it turns out quite the opposite. While set in several emblematic Basque locations, the novel takes a number of unexpected twists and turns.

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