15 Basque film producers at Sunny Side of the Doc


Euskara. Kultura. Mundura.

Sunny Side of the Doc will take place June 24-27 in La Rochelle, France. The event is considered the leading international marketplace for documentary content. One more year, a representation of the Basque audiovisual sector will attend the event under the brand Basque Audiovisual, created and promoted by Eiken (Basque audiovisual cluster), Zineuskadi and the Etxepare Basque Institute. 

Every year Sunny Side of the Doc brings together over 2000 audiovisual industry professionals from 60 countries.The event creates unique opportunities for distributors, buyers, content creators, producers and other professionals to publicize projects, access new markets, seek financing and coproduction partners, and learn about the latest trends in the audiovisual industry. 

At Sunny Side of the Doc Basque producers find a showcase to present their audiovisual projects and approach potential buyers from the main international markets. 

This year 15 Basque companies will participate in the market: Arena Communication, On Produkzioak, Gastibeltza Filmak, Media Attack, Sonora Studios, Haruru Filmak-Kooperatiba, Komiki Films SL, Pimpi & Nela Films, Emana Films, Fascina Productions, Taui Media SL, Maluta Films, Tentazioa Produkzioak, Sincro Production and Brisney SL. The Lau Haizetara documentary co-production forum will also be represented, which each year organizes Ibaia (Association of Independent Audiovisual Producers of the Basque Country) within the framework of the San Sebastian International Film Festival. 

The Basque Audiovisual stand will be staffed by Basque industry professionals, as well as people from the Etxepare Basque Institute, Eiken and Zineuskadi. A catalogue will be available again this year, including a total of 48 documentary projects, 16 of which are in the development stage, 13 are in production and 19 are completed and/or have been premiered. 

The aim of this initiative is to raise the profile of the Basque audiovisual industry and try to consolidate it as a brand recognized internationally for quality and innovation. The project is supported by Eiken, Zineuskadi and the Etxepare Basque Institute. 

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